Palgrave MacMillan titles – RESOLVED

Update: Thursday, June 5th
Access to our Palgrave MacMillan titles has been restored.

Wednesday, May 7th
Access to Palgrave MacMillan titles is currently unavailable. We are working to restore access as soon as possible.

Titles affected are:

Feminist review
Higher education policy
International Politics
Journal of International Business Studies
Maritime Economics & Logistics
Urban design international

EBSCO Personalization Temporarily Unavailable – May 6, 2008

Please note that the personalization folder feature in EBSCOhost (My EBSCOhost), may be unavailable for a few hours on Tuesday, May 6th, as the vendor implements the new EBSCOhost features and functionality announced on April 15, 2008. For a quick review of the upcoming features, see: EBSCO Support Site.

We apologize for any inconvenience this brief interruption in folder service may cause. All of the other functionality and features in EBSCOhost will remain operational during this time.

LPC storage project

This project involves inventorying all materials stored in the basement of LPC. There are materials there from HSSD, Asian Library, Education and other branches. The project involves having to repair dummy barcodes, ensuring that materials are indeed duplicates of branch items and not our only copy. Compiling lists of materials which have never been entered into the catalogue and trying to determine if any of the materials might be rare or unique.

Metadata analysis project for cIRcle

This short term project involves analyzing metadata entered into cIRcle by non-library staff and determining what, if any consistent problems are apparent. Once the problems are identified materials will be prepared so that metadata creators have a help guide to refer to.

Table of contents project

The Library puchased full table of contents data for approximately 120,000 of our English language books. Then began the delicate task of inserting the appropriate tables of contents into the correct Voyager records in our catalogue. The task is now complete, the records are re-indexed, and we have in our catalogue all the tables of contents that Blackwell was able to supply for the publication years 2001 to the present.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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