On Sunday, October 05 we will be performing SFX server maintenance from 8:00am-11:00am.
UBC eLink will be unavailable during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.
SFX – Scheduled Service Maintenance
Ulrich’s *** Access RESTORED! ***
The cheque really was in the mail. Ulrich’s Periodical Directory is back.
If you experience any further problems with the site, please email us.
(previous message)
A scary message, but a solution is at hand. We did pay our bill on time and access should resume shortly.
Sorry for any inconvenience. Please stay tuned.
Global Market Information Database – ACCESS RESTORED
Update: October 1st – 9:20am
Access has been restored. Please report continuing problems to eResources help.
September 30th – 1:30pm
Contact has been made with GMID. The glitch is at their end, and many libraries are experiencing the same problem as us. They expect the problem to be fixed tomorrow morning. Watch for an update.
(original message)
Searching and some browsing in GMID results in an error message. A request for help has been sent to their Support staff.
Sorry for any inconvenience this might cause. Please stay tuned.
Law re-class project
This ongoing project involves work in the Law Library to reclassify materials from the Moys Classification Scheme to the Library of Congress Classification Scheme. The Law Stacks location is complete; a major milestone. Now work is being done on the Law Statutes location.
Taylor & Francis Informaworld – Scheduled Maintenance – Sept.27th, 2008
Taylor & Francis will be performing essential server maintenance on Saturday, September 27, 2008, resulting in intermittent access to informaworld. Two short periods of downtime are expected throughout the day which will last a maximum of thirty minutes.
The informaworld team would like to apologise to customers for any inconvenience this might cause.
Proquest Databases – ACCESS Restored
Update: Monday, Sept.22nd
Access restored.
Friday, Sept.19th 1:00pm
Access to the Proquest site and all databases is currently unavailable due to a server outage.
Proquest is working to have service restored as quickly as possible.
Wiley InterScience Service Interruption – September 22nd, 2008
Due to essential site maintenance, access will be temporarily
unavailable to Wiley InterScience on:
Monday – September 22, 2008 starting at 7:00AM (PST) for approximately one hour.
Rewriting Proxy Server (RSVPN) – RESTORED
Update: Thursday, September 18th – 11:00am
RSVPN is now available. UBC IT Services confirmed that the outage was due to a routing problem. Please report any continuing difficulties with RSVPN to the Library Systems Help Desk at 604-822-6725.
Wednesday, September 17th – 11:30am
Access to electronic resources through the Rewriting Proxy Server (RSVPN) is unavailable at the moment.
Please use VPN or the Proxy Server instead. We apologize for any inconvenience this is causing.
RSC Website Service Disruption – September 20th, 2008
The RSC website at http://www.rsc.org will be unavailable on Saturday, September 20th between 9:30am and 1:30pm.
The RSC apologises for any inconvenience this may cause.
Update: 11:00am
UBC eLink is back on track. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Tuesday, September 9th – 7:00am
UBC eLink is temporarily unavailable. We are working to restore access as quickly as possible.