SFX: Maintenance & Upgrade

On December 22nd & 23rd, SFX will be unavailable as we perform maintenance, updating and some system upgrading. This means that the yellow UBC eLink button will not work those days, nor will the Citation Linker. The links in the ejournal A-Z list will NOT be affected by this. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

and *UPDATE 2*

NOW for the good news: they are back up!

NOT good news.
It appears there a break in our IP router service to OCLC. It’s been reported to Systems, but we fear we need to wait for the service hub to be fixed before we will have access restored. Affected: www.oclc.org – all affiliated customer support, WorldCat – subscribed and free,
FirstSearch Databases – 10 titles, OCLC Connexion – cataloguing client

OCLC’s website seems to be down, and all FirstSearch databases as well.
We are looking into the cause. Don’t panic (ok, maybe a little). Stay tuned.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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