UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Access lost to Canada Commons

Posted on November 17, 2022 @11:41 am by ryan regier

UPDATE – Problems resolved. Canada Commons Access is now working. Nov 17, 2022

Access to Canada Commons ebooks is currently down, showing a ‘HTTP ERROR 503 – Cannot contact Upstream Server’

We are working quickly to get it resolved!

In the meantime, if you are looking for access to a specific Canada Commons ebook, you should be able to search and access it via this link – https://canadacommons-ca.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/

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Access Lost to JOVE

Posted on October 19, 2022 @9:44 am by ryan regier

UPDATE – Problems resolved. JOVE Access is now working. Oct 19, 2022

Access to JOVE is currently down and producing a  JSON 500 ‘Internal Server Error’.

This is impacting many University Libraries and the vendor is working quickly to get it resolved.

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Access to Lost to AAAS/Science Journals, ASM Journals, and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)

Posted on July 26, 2022 @10:24 am by ryan regier

UPDATE – Problems resolved. July 26, 2022

Due to an ongoing issue, attempts to access journals published by AAAS/Science Journals, ASM Journals, and  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) returns this error:

  • Bad Request Could not fetch entity ‘https://iam.atypon.com/shibboleth’. For assistance please contact your organization administrator.

This is impacting a number of Academic Libraries and it is a vendor issue that should be resolved in the next few days. Sorry for the inconvenience! We know a number of our patrons rely heavily on these publishers.

As a work-around please search for the journal you wish to access in our E-Journal Portal https://search.library.ubc.ca/#journals and then search/navigate to the article you are looking for on the journal page. Please clear cache and cookies from your browser if it still doesn’t provide access and try again. If you still come across issues, contact us at https://about.library.ubc.ca/contact-us/ejournal-help/?login

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Access Lost to “Human Kinetics” Journals (Feb.2022)

Posted on February 9, 2022 @10:56 am by madgett

Access has been temporarily lost to all Human Kinetics journals.

Stay tuned for updates.

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Portal to Canadian Research Outputs now Open(aire)

Posted on December 21, 2021 @8:52 am by madgett

The Portal of Canadian Research Outputs has been developed as part of a collaboration between Canadian Association of Research Libraries (CARL) and OpenAIRE. The portal presents research results collected from Canadian institutional repositories.

Check it out here.


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EBSCOhost eBooks – Possible Down Jan.3-5, 2022

Posted on December 20, 2021 @9:52 am by madgett

EBSCOhost eBooks may be down for maintenance from January 3rd to January 5th, 2022.


Starting the evening of January 3rd, 2022 (EST), EBSCO will be performing an upgrade to systems which will affect the speed with which newly acquired content is made available to your library on the EBSCOhost platform. Maintenance is expected to complete on January 5th, 2022.

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EBSCO eBooks and Taylor & Francis eBooks Down – Dec. 2021

Posted on December 9, 2021 @8:53 am by madgett

UPDATE – Problems resolved. 09de2021

There is currently a problem with EBSCOhost ebooks (PDFs are not opening) and with Taylor & Francis ebooks (“gateway” error).

Stay tuned for updates.

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Summon – Refreshed Look Coming Dec. 15th

Posted on December 15, 2021 @8:46 am by madgett

NOTE: Refreshed look delayed till later on 15th or early 16th.

Additional updates:

As well as the changes listed below, there are two new features coming:

1) Select a result source: In some results, you will see “More Options” where you can select the source of the item if we have access to it on multiple sites:







2) Login to Summon: Login to the Summon results to see… more results! When Users log into Summon (upper right), some results that were excluded due to some Providers’ rights policies become visible:



Note: the log-in screen that appears will be primarily for CWL users. For Users with OpenAthens Personal or Access Accounts, they must login as they do for other resources (ie here first https://openathens.library.ubc.ca/ ).

On December 15th, 2021, a refreshed look is coming to UBC Library’s Summon interface (that’s the discovery service from the Library’s “General” tab on the Homepage.

Some of the key changes are as follows:

1) Changes to left-hand facets:

  • The look will be different (see images below)
  • “Refine your search” will have boxes to tick & “Add collections beyond your Library” will be moved there
  • “Content Type” will have a scroll bar for all types in results & boxes to tick
  • “Publication Date” will remove its scroll range display and replace with set date ranges in boxes or a pen icon where you can specify a range
  • Other facets will require a box to be ticked rather than a green checkmark

2) General changes:

    • The “Advanced” search button will be replaced with an “Options” button in the search box
    • The folder icon for “Saved Items” in a result is being replaced with a bookmark icon and moved to the left of the PermaLink icon
    • “Online” is now an icon on the right

3) Article results changes:

    • “Peer-Reviewed” moved to the right of the result
    • “Full Text Online” hypertext replaced with a button
    • REMEMBER => “Article PDF” & “View Complete Issue” links are due to Browzine’s integration within Summon. They are not Summon links

Current Summon View:


View December 15th:


There will also be some changes to how…

  • Open Access articles look:
    • “Open Access” moved to right of result
    • “OpenVersion” moved up beside the Journal Article link, where available. NOTE: “OpenVersion” is our name for Unpaywall, a source of Open Access articles that may or may not be the final published version of the article
  • Print book results look:
    • Locations are behind a drop-down menu & “Availability” is clearer
  • eBook results look:
    • “Full Text Online” changed from hypertext to a button

However, functionality should remain generally the same.

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Peter Lang eBooks – Loss of Access (Nov.2021)

Posted on November 24, 2021 @8:40 am by madgett

UPDATE – Access restored

We have temporarily lost access to Peter Lang ebooks.

We are working to restore. Stay Tuned.

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Several Oxford University Press Resources Unavailable (Nov.2021)

Posted on November 16, 2021 @3:39 pm by madgett

UPDATE – Access appears to have been restored.

Various Oxford University Press resources (including ebooks) are inaccessible.

eJournals appear to be unaffected.

We are working with OpenAthens to restore access. Stay tuned.

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a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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