UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Wiley eBooks – Loss of Access to Many eBooks

Posted on December 20, 2018 @8:44 am by madgett

UPDATE Access to Wiley ebooks restored.

Loss of access to many Wiley Online eBooks.

We are working on a solution, stay tuned!

Report any problems via our Help Form.

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ScienceDirect (Elsevier): Off-Campus Access Restored

Posted on December 18, 2018 @9:13 am by madgett

Off-campus access to ScienceDirect (Elsevier) ejournals & ebooks has been restored via EZproxy.

If you had problems yesterday, clear the history (cache & cookies) from your browser before trying to connect.

Report any problems via our Help Form.

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Off-Campus access to Taylor & Francis ebooks down

Posted on November 27, 2018 @12:31 pm by madgett

Taylor & Francis ebooks:


Please clear the history (cache & cookies) from your browser if you had a recent problem with Taylor & Francis ebooks.

Off-Campus access via EZproxy is down. We are working on it. Stay Tuned!

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PsychiatryOnline – Access Down Off Campus

Posted on October 26, 2018 @8:12 am by madgett

UPDATE : Access off campus has been restored. Please clear your browser history (cache & cookies) if you were having access problems.

If problems persist, contact us via our Help Form.

PsychiatryOnline is down for off-campus access.

This site (with all its ebooks and other content – including DSM-5) can currently be accessed on campus only.

The issue is being worked on. Stay tuned!

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Harvard Business Review : Limited Access & Functionality

Posted on November 5, 2018 @10:40 am by madgett

The UBC Library DOES NOT subscribe to Harvard Business Review.

We have limited access through a subscription to EBSCOhost journal aggregator database “Business Source Complete.”

UPDATE : As an alternative to the “browse” method below, if you have followed a PURL into the EBSCOhost database, you can also re-do your search within the EBSCOhost Database to get to the PDF version of the HBR article.

What does this mean? It means that articles 1) cannot be Printed, 2) cannot be saved & 3) that permanent URLs (PURLs) will not work to give you the PDF. If you need to access an article from HBR, please browse for it by starting at the journal title level (it can be found using the eJournal Portal – the “Journal Titles” tab on the Library Homepage) and then going to the year, Volume, Issue and finally page for the article.

This is out of the Library’s hands as it is part of an agreement between Harvard & EBSCOhost.

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eBook URLs leading to the off-campus “Oops” page

Posted on October 2, 2018 @9:35 am by madgett

Certain ebook URLs are breaking and leading to the Off-Campus AccessOops” page (even when users are on campus).

Mostly, these are ebooks that were on the old eBook Library platform (retired some time ago) and are now on the ProQuest eBoook Central platform.

We are working on the issue and hope for a solutions soon.

If faced with this error message, please try searching for the ebook HERE .

Please report any problems via our Help Form.


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Taylor & Francis “Not for sale” eBooks : No Full Text Access

Posted on August 31, 2018 @12:53 pm by madgett

Occasionally, on the Taylor & Francis ebook site, you will see a title that says “This title is not available for sale” and you will not have access to the full text.

We apologize for any confusion this causes.

We try to only list in the Catalogue and Summon ebooks that have full-text access. However, the title list we use is not pre-sorted to identify the “not for sale” titles from Taylor & Francis (this site also includes CRC Press, Routledge and several other imprints). so, we do not know which of the over 120,000 ebooks have been withdrawn until someone comes across this message.

If you find a T&F ebook like this, please report it via our Help Form and we will remove it and advise on an alternative source (if available) for the title.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Link to Ulrichsweb not working from eJournal Portal

Posted on August 28, 2018 @3:26 pm by madgett

The Ulrichsweb link (under hypertext “Title details from ulrichsweb.com” from the eJournal Portal’s result page is currently leading to the error message:

We do not have enough information.

We are working to resolve the issue.

You can still get to Ulrichsweb to see information about journals via our Resource page, and then search for the journal from there.

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Using Google Scholar with EZproxy for Off-Campus Access to UBC Library Resources

Posted on July 27, 2018 @12:24 pm by madgett

Using Google Scholar with EZproxy (the UBC Library off-campus authentication method) can be tricky. You need to set up a Google Scholar session BEFORE logging into EZproxy.

Our Google Scholar resource page (with instructions) is HERE (Google Scholar).

Basically, the steps are:

  • Go to Google Scholar and log in, if you have a Gmail account. However, an account is not necessary.
  • Under the upper left “hamburger menu” (three horizontal bars), click on “Settings
  • Click on “Library Links” and search for  UBC Library  (if you have a Gmail account, Google might remember your settings)
  • Tick the boxes and SAVE
  • Do your search. When the results come up, you will see  UBC eLink  to the right. Click on that for the result you are interested in
  • This will take you to our Citation Linker page. Click on the blue button for Full Text and at that point you will be asked to log into EZproxy

If you run into any problems, please contact us via our Help Form including any error messages or screenshots that might be helpful.

REMEMBER: Google Scholar does not index (capture) all the resources available from UBC Library. Please use our discovery tool Summon (also from the General tab on the Library Homepage) –and– contact a Subject Librarian to make sure you are finding all available resources.


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ProQuest Resources: Major Maintenance August 18th. Sites will be Down

Posted on July 27, 2018 @9:08 am by madgett

ProQuest eBook sites and Database sites will be off-line on August 18th & August 19th for maintenance.

eBooks will be down from approximately 9:00 a.m. PDT till 2:00 p.m. PDT August 18th.

Other resources will be down from 7:00 p.m. august 18th till 8 hours later on August 19th.

Note: times may change without notice as this is all happening on the ProQuest side.

Some resources affected include:

  • eBook Central
  • ProQuest Databases
  • ProQuest Congressional
  • ProQuest Dialog
  • Chadwyck-Healey databases
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