UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Temporarily unavailable CNKI Resources

Posted on April 14, 2023 @9:08 am by ryan regier

Some CNKI resources may be impacted by a review by the Cybersecurity Administration of China (CAC), and made temporarily unavailable. These include China Doctoral Dissertations, Masters’ Theses, China Statistical Yearbooks and Conference Proceedings. Details of the impact of this review are provided here: Notice of Suspension of Partial Services.

The vast majority of CNKI journal products remain unaffected. Currently, downloads are still possible for China Statistical Yearbooks. Downloads are not available for dissertations and conference proceedings, although this content remains searchable and viewable online.

For more information on accessing alternative Chinese Studies resources, please contact Jing Liu, the Chinese Studies Librarian.

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Posted on April 12, 2023 @11:46 am by ryan regier

Users will see a HTTP ERROR 503 when trying to access some CNKI Journals/Ebooks. We are working on getting this fixed!

A temporary solution is manually to replace the ‘global’ in the URL with “oversea’.

E.G. http://global.cnki.net.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/knavi/JournalDetail?pcode=CJFD&pykm=SHXI will not work

but http://oversea.cnki.net.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/knavi/JournalDetail?pcode=CJFD&pykm=SHXI will

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Lost Access to Oxford

Posted on March 29, 2023 @9:32 am by ryan regier

Our Oxford ebooks and journals are not recognizing UBC users for access. You will hit a paywall or “Get Access” despite already logged in.

Oxford is aware of the issue and it should be fixed by the end of the day.

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Library Toolkit and Resource Pages Not Working (Indexes and Databases)

Posted on March 29, 2023 @9:30 am by ryan regier

Issue is now fixed.

We are seeing an SQL error for our Library Toolkit and Resource Pages Not Working (Indexes and Databases).

Library IT is aware and looking into it.

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Open Athens Access not working for some users – Giving CWL Authentication Error

Posted on March 1, 2023 @4:17 pm by ryan regier

This issue is now fixed. 01March2023

We are currently experiencing at issue with Open Athens access to eResources not working for a number of users due to an issue with CWLs. The issue also seems to be impacting other UBC webpages like Workday.

Library IT is looking into it: https://status.it.ubc.ca/

The error being returned is:

CWL Authentication – Please try again

Our sincere apologies your login attempt has timed out. Please end your CWL session and try again. If the error continues, please contact UBC IT Service Centre Help Desk along with error code ‘PHUB Unavailable’.


It should be resolved within the next couple hours! Sorry about the inconvenience!

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Lost access to Taylor and Francis eBooks

Posted on January 19, 2023 @10:44 am by ryan regier

UPDATE – Problems resolved. Taylor and Francis Access is now working. Jan 19, 2023

We have currently lost access to a large number of our Taylor and Francis eBook titles.

The titles will still appear in searches using Library Tools, but when going to the website a ‘Your institution has not purchased this content.’ will appear.

We are working to resolve this issue as quick as we can.

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Lost Access to Oxford University Press / Oxford Academic

Posted on January 11, 2023 @8:49 am by ryan regier

UPDATE – Problems resolved. Oxford Access is now working. Jan 11, 2023

Oxford University Press and Oxford Academic access is currently down for multiple institutions. When trying to access a ‘Sans Sigma’ page will appear, with following error message:

Sorry, there was an internal server error
If this is the first time you are seeing this error, please try again later.

If the issue persists, please contact support with the following code.

Error code:

We are working with the vendor to resolve the issue.

In the meantime, Oxford resource can be accessed by going to this link and searching for the title of the item you wish to access: https://ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/login?url=https://academic.oup.com

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Lost Access to CNKI Journals and Ebooks

Posted on December 12, 2022 @2:45 pm by ryan regier

Access to CNKI ebooks and Journals is down, users will see a login page when they attempt to access these items.

We are working quickly to resolve this issue. In the meantime, access may be provided by accessing CNKI via this link and searching or browsing to the item you are looking for – https://resources.library.ubc.ca/page.php?details=china-knowledge-resource-integrated-database-&id=334


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Lost Access to Brill eBooks and Journals

Posted on December 7, 2022 @2:04 pm by ryan regier

UPDATE – Problems resolved. Brill Access is now working. Dec 7, 2022

Access to Brill eBooks and Journals via Brill.com is currently down.

This error will appear:

“The page isn’t redirecting properly. An error occurred during a connection to brill.com.

  • This problem can sometimes be caused by disabling or refusing to accept cookies.”

We are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

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Access lost to Sage Journals

Posted on November 29, 2022 @9:55 am by ryan regier

UPDATE – Problems resolved. Sage Access is now working. Nov 29, 2022

Access to all Sage journals and ebooks is currently down. Access attempts will prompt you to continuously ‘login via your institution’ and a ‘You have successfully logged in, but we cannot verify your access entitlements. Your organization appears to be using an invalid security certificate ‘ error in red near the bottom of the page.

Multiple institutions are struggling with this error and the vendor is working on getting it resolved as soon as possible.

In the meantime Sage Journals and Articles can be searched for and accessed by this link: https://journals-sagepub-com.eu1.proxy.openathens.net/


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