UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Oxford eBook Records not linking to eBooks

Posted on August 29, 2023 @1:25 pm by ryan regier

A large number of Oxford ebooks in the catalog are not linking directly to the ebook and instead leaving the user at the general Oxford website.

For example the record for Foundations of global health & human rights will leave the user at the general Oxford Scholarship Online Page: https://academic.oup.com/oxford-scholarship-online?login=true

We are working to fix this linking issue. In the meantime, you can search for the title on the Oxford page to get access.

Links in Summon to Oxford eBooks still work. You can search for the books there to get access and use the permanent links in Summon to share links to the books. e.g. https://go.exlibris.link/Q8Sz79jL

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Lost access to Access Medicine, Access Pharmacy, and other McGraw Hill Resources

Posted on August 23, 2023 @10:23 am by ryan regier

Issue is now fixed. August 23, 2023.

UBC has lost access to Access Medicine, Access Pharmacy, and other McGraw Hill Resources.

We are working to resolve the issue!

As a workaround you can place this URL in front of the website address and login to UBC with your CWL to access: https://proxy.openathens.net/login?qurl=

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Lost access to New England Journal of Medicine website

Posted on August 11, 2023 @12:51 pm by ryan regier

Issue is now fixed. August 11th, 2023.

UBC has lost access to the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) of their website.

As a workaround you can place this URL in front of a NEJM URL and login with your CWL to access: https://proxy.openathens.net/login?qurl=

Alternatively you can also access current issues of NEJM via OVID


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Lost access to Wiley eJournals and eBooks

Posted on August 9, 2023 @8:39 am by ryan regier

Issue is now fixed. August 9th, 2023. Contact us if you still see issues.

Some users have lost access to Wiley eJournals and eBooks.

We are working with Wiley to get this resolved ASAP.

As a workaround, to access a Wiley title, add this URL in front of the Wiley website address in your browser: https://proxy.openathens.net/login?qurl=

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Audio Cine Films – “Cannot stream this title” Error

Posted on July 26, 2023 @8:51 am by ryan regier

When accessing Audio Cine Films, Users will be unable to watch/stream the movies and see this error:

  • We are sorry, but you cannot stream this title in the browser you are current using. To stream a title, please use an alternate browser (Chrome, Firefox or Edge). For more information on supported devices and operating systems please see the details located in the following document. See supported browsers

This error only appears for Chrome Users, as a workaround use a different browser like Firefox or Edge.

We have reached out to the vendor about getting this issue solved.

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ASTM error ‘This document is in the process of being published’

Posted on August 14, 2023 @9:28 am by ryan regier

When trying to access ASTM Items users will see this error:

  • This document is in the process of being published and is not yet available for download. Please check back tomorrow.

After closing the error, you will be redirected to an ASTM login page that will not provide access if you are using Firefox Browser. If you are using Chrome, you can close the error and then search for the document you are looking for.

We are working on getting this fixed. In the meantime, to access ASTM titles, the best option is to:

  1. Go to this link: https://iam.astm.org/sso/saml2/0oa48ylyt1fIVLbCG4x7/?fromURI=https://compass.astm.org/
  2. Login with your CWL
  3. Search for the title of the item you are looking for and from here you should be able to access.
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Access Issue with Duke University Press – “There isn’t anything to show here.”

Posted on July 26, 2023 @8:42 am by ryan regier

Issue is now fixed. July 26, 2023

We are seeing an access issue for some publications with Duke University Press from our Library Searches.

When clicking the link to an Item, you will be take to a Crossref ‘Find this content at the locations below’ page:

When selecting the Duke University Press option you will hit a Open Athens ‘There isn’t anything to show here’ Error.

A workaround is to copy the Duke DOI link from the Crossref page (e.g. https://doi.org/10.1215/9780822372127) and open it the link in a new tab.

Once the page has loaded, copy and paste the Open Athens Redirector in front of the page link and it will provide you with access – https://go.openathens.net/redirector/ubc.ca?url=

We are working on getting this issue fixed so you don’t need to rely on this workaround.

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Pitchbook – “Connection refused” Error

Posted on July 14, 2023 @3:37 pm by ryan regier

Issue is now fixed. July 14, 2023

Accessing Pitchbook via the UBC Pitchbook Link (https://library-ubc-pitchbook-com.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/) will produce this error:

  • “Connection refused by library.ubc.pitchbook.com, please try again later.”

Pitchbook is working on getting this issue fixed ASAP

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Pitchbook – Account was deleted or inactive

Posted on July 4, 2023 @1:44 pm by ryan regier

Pitchbook individual accounts expire after lack of usage or at the end of our subscription year (late June, early July).

If you see an error that says your account was deleted or inactive, you can reset your account here by using your UBC email address to create a new account – https://ezproxy.library.ubc.ca/login?url=http://library.ubc.pitchbook.com/

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Error when Accessing Karger Books and Journals

Posted on May 29, 2023 @1:04 pm by ryan regier

Issue is now fixed. May 29, 2023.

Users will see a “Your action has resulted in an error. Please click the Back button in your browser and try again.” when they try to access Karger eBooks and eJournals. Hitting the Back Button will not fix the issue.

We are working on getting this issue fixed. In the meantime users can access Karger material by going to this link to the Karger website and searching for the item they want to access there – https://proxy.openathens.net/login?qurl=https://www.karger.com

You may be prompted to select your insitution at the above link, if so, search/select UBC or University of British Columbia

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