UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Several Problem Resources: UN Comtrade, Informs ejournals, etc

Posted on March 4, 2015 @9:27 am by madgett

broken_partsThis time of years sees a spike in online resource problems. Partly it’s due to renewal payments being delayed, partly it’s new resources launched in January starting to get more notice… and their quirks getting more attention as well.


The current list of problems we are working on includes:

UN Comtrade – site thinks we are “Guests” not subscribers, so bulk downloading disabled

Informs eJournals – subscriptions lapsed

Antiquity – journal moved to new site and access to archived issues lost

Development – loss of access to the journal

…and there are a couple other issues we are working on. Report any problems to our Help Form.

…and Stay Tuned!

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Google Scholar & EZproxy on Macs – Problem Solved?

Posted on February 12, 2015 @11:26 am by madgett

newsThere had been reports of people having problems off-campus using Macs/Safari and logging into Google Scholar via EZproxy.

If you are wondering why someone would even do this, the reason is that using EZproxy means you have a UBC IP address. So, you can follow the UBC eLink form the Google Scholar results and get to articles we have access to.

The problem seems to be solved (Safari was dropping the EZproxy bit from the URL). Please clear the cache & cookies (history) from Safari if you had problems in the past. If you still have problems, please email our Help Form.

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eBooks Not Findable? : Summon & Catalogue Problems

Posted on February 12, 2015 @11:17 am by madgett


**UPDATE** As of the Beginning of February, this problem has been sorted

Problems 2 & 3 are sorted now. Problem 1 lingers on. They suggest that problem could be sorted early in January. Stay tuned!


Couple of recent problems have collided to make some ebooks we have access to un-findable in the Catalogue and sometimes also Summon… and for a brief period some titles were findable, but we no longer had access.

1) ProQuest (Serials Solutions) had, they told us, “an issue with generating your records in a timely manner.” This happened in October, which meant our last ingestion of Catalogue records from them was in September. Sometimes ebooks can be found in Summon without a Catalogue records, sometimes not. Hopefully, this will be resolved shortly.

2) We (UBC Library) send updates from the Catalogue to ProQuest/Serials Solutions nightly… but they don’t always update nightly on their end. For example, last week their Summon indexing for us “went live on Saturday, November 8” and the next one was expected to be “complete on Friday or Saturday [November 14th or 15th]. So, Summon and the Catalogue were out of sync for about a week.

3) On November 7th, UBC Library removed a number of EBL (EBook Library) titles that had been part of a Demand Driven Acquisitions (DDA) project. These titles lingered in Summon for a week (see 2 above) and caused some confusion as access had ended.

We hope everything will be sorted and up to date next week. Frustrating? Tell me about it.

Oh yeah, you have been. And please continue to.

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MedLine & CINAHL (EBSCOhost): Changes to Search History

Posted on November 6, 2014 @4:28 pm by madgett

EbscoHostIn the EBSCOhost databases MedLine & CINAHL, the Search History now automatically appears above your search results.


If you want to turn this feature off at some point, just click on “Search History” (just to the right of “Basic Search” & “Advanced Search”).


For other EBSCOhost databases, if you want Search History to appear, click on the words “Search Historyafter you do your search.

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Factiva: Limits on Downloading Articles

Posted on November 6, 2014 @4:29 pm by madgett


*UPDATE* Limit raised to 100 articles per session

Due to excessive downloading (in one session someone downloaded over 14,000 articles, per Factiva), our downloading ability has been reduced to one article at a time.

We are investigating.

This is a good opportunity to remind folks that access to a resource does not automatically mean “anything goes”. Almost all vendors have internal benchmarks that make allowances for reasonable use – usually what a person can reasonably read.

Stay tuned!

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EBSCOhost Connection Problems : PsycInfo & more?

Posted on October 6, 2014 @10:50 am by madgett

EbscoHostFIXED!! Sorry for the delay. PLEASE do the following:

Clear your Browser Cache & Cookies then try accessing the EBSCOhost database of your dreams again.

UPDATE Sorry, still seems to be a problem for EZproxy users. Doubtful there will be a resolution till Monday.

Access on campus seems to be working. Suggest visiting a branch this weekend if you can’t wait. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Hello. Seems we are having some connectivity issues with PsycInfo and possibly other EBSCOhost databases. EBSCO contacted.


Stay tuned!

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Major Problems – Database searching & More Down

Posted on September 29, 2014 @2:15 pm by madgett


UPDATE – Problems seem to be resolved.

YIKES!  Something has blown a gasket and Summon, Resource pages, Database searching… well, a lot of things are not working.

The Tech folks have been contacted. Stay Tuned!

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Banned Books Week, 2014

Posted on September 22, 2014 @1:17 pm by madgett

bandit800September 21 to 27 is Banned Books Week.

So, let’s stick it to The Man! Go read a book, already!

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Project Muse eBooks: August Access Problem

Posted on August 13, 2014 @9:44 am by madgett

ProjectMuseRecently, there have been some problems linking to Project Muse eBooks. Last month, some records were added to the Catalogue for ebooks not yet published. This should all be sorted by the end of August.

So, please report any ebook problems via out Help Form, but also be aware you may have to go to Project Muse’s site to search for the ebooks directly AND that some are not there (as they aren’t even published yet).


Sorry for the temporary confusion.


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Oxford Journals Accessible Off-Campus

Posted on July 23, 2014 @11:55 am by corinne2

oxford logo

Oxford Journals are accessible from off-campus again.  The EZproxy issue has been resolved.

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