UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Holiday Closure for eResources & Access Help (HAPPY HOLIDAYS!)

Posted on December 18, 2020 @3:17 pm by madgett


The eResources & Access Team will be away from Noon Dec. 24th till Jan. 4th. Please report any access problems using the Help Form , and we will dig into them when we get back.

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LWW Journals (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) & EZproxy (off-campus Access)

Posted on December 21, 2020 @9:47 am by madgett

Problem resolved. Please clear your browser history, cache & cookies, and report any continuing problems via our Help Form.

LWW Journals (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) are a collection of mostly medical journals.

Off-campus access via EZproxy is currently showing “Cloudflare” messages that are blocking access for some Users.

We are working on a resolution. Stay tuned!

Please report any resource access problems via our Help Form.

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O’Reilly (Safari) eBooks – Accounts Reset Oct. 31st weekend

Posted on October 30, 2020 @8:34 am by madgett

O’Reilly for Higher Education (also known as Safari) ebooks will have accounts reset for those using the “new” authentication method.

What does this mean? Access will still be fine, it is just that any history from previous visits to the site might be lost. We apologize, but in the transition from the “old” to “new” authentication, many duplicate accounts were created.

Please report any problems encountered via our Help Form.

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CB Insights – Log-in Problem Fixed?

Posted on October 28, 2020 @4:00 pm by madgett

CB Insights was showing a “Your session has expired” error message when Users signed in via EZproxy.

I think that it is fixed now.

Please clear history, cache & cookies, if you had problems in the past and go through our Resource page to log into an existing account.

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O’Reilly for Higher Education (Safari) – New Log-in

Posted on October 13, 2020 @1:40 pm by madgett

O’Reilly now uses your CWL to log in rather than your email address.

This will set up a new account on your first visit.


Existing Users who temporarily wish to access their older (via UBC email) account, click here.

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EZproxy Down for Maintenance – Oct. 8th, 10:00 am PDT

Posted on October 7, 2020 @12:12 pm by madgett

EZproxy, used to authenticate Users into Library resources from off campus, will be down for maintenance Thursday,

October 8th, at 10:00 a.m. PDT for 30 minutes. If you run into access problems outside of that window in time, please

report it to us via out Help Form.

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Library Access Browser Extension (Lean Library) & Safari 14 -Oct.2020

Posted on October 6, 2020 @8:30 am by madgett

Library Access ExtensionFor some Users who have installed Lean Library on their Safari 14 browser, there have been error messages asking them to upgrade their macOS. This is a known issue. A fix is expected in the next week or so, possibly with the release of the new OS “Big Sur”. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Taylor & Francis eBook Site Having Problems -Oct.05, 2020

Posted on October 7, 2020 @12:02 pm by madgett

UPDATE – Problems resolved.

Taylor & Francis eBook site is having problems with some titles.

Some ebooks are producing a “ERROR 404 : Sorry, we can’t seem to find the page you’re looking for.”

We are working on the problem. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Library Access Browser Ext. (Lean Library) : Highlight & Search Down -Oct2020

Posted on October 15, 2020 @8:22 am by madgett

UPDATE: Now Working

The Highlight & Search feature in the Library’s Access Browser Extension (from Lean Library) will be down for this week (Oct. 5th – 9th), but should be back next week.

Don’t know about the Library’s Access Browser Extension? Please read here.


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UBC Library Catalogue Down for Maintenance -Sept. 30, 10PM

Posted on October 7, 2020 @12:01 pm by madgett

UPDATE – No problems reported.


The UBC Library Catalogue will be down for maintenance from 10:00pm PDT for 90 minutes.

Our Discovery Service, Summon, will continue working except for any links leading to the Catalogue.

Please report any problems via our Help Form.

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