UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Select Sage Titles Unavailable (Nov. 2021)

Posted on November 8, 2021 @4:38 pm by madgett

A number of Sage titles (ebooks and other items) are unavailable for access, while others appear to be working as expected.

We are working with the Provider to find out why some items are being blocked. Stay Tuned!

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EBSCO intermittent service issues (Nov.8, 2021)

Posted on November 8, 2021 @2:39 pm by kmcgrath

UPDATE: Database level linking seems to be working, but not article level. Try entering at journal level and browsing to article.

Please report any continuing issues via the eResources Help Form.

Access to EBSCO databases and ebooks is intermittent.  Users may be unable to login, or get a range of error messages (505, server upstream).

EBSCO Supports Teams are investigating and we will provide updates when available.

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Taylor & Francis Journals Down – 20_Oct_2021

Posted on October 25, 2021 @8:26 am by madgett


Access to the Taylor & Francis journals is down.

NOTE : We have been advised that a fix is being tested Friday with an intention to release it on Monday 25th October.

It has been reported.

Workaround => if you follow a link through to an article, get the “Select your Institution” error BUT you see “Access Provided by the University of British Columbia” at the top of the page, click on “Home” then re-search the article’s DOI or Title on the T&F site itself.

Their ebook site is still working.

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DesLibris – HTTP 503 Error (Oct.2021)

Posted on October 5, 2021 @1:22 pm by kmcgrath


The DesLibris ebook platform is currently experiencing technical issues.
HTTP ERROR 503 Cannot contact upstream server: https://www.deslibris.ca/
We’ve reported the problem to the provider and will post a notice when service is restored.


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Maintenance on Some Discovery Services this weekend Sept. 25, 2021

Posted on September 24, 2021 @11:45 am by madgett

The following services will be unavailable 8am-4pm, Saturday, September 25th due to planned maintenance by Ex Libris.

  • eJournal Portal (Journal Titles tab on the Library homepage)
  • Citation Linker (Blue Full Text button)
  • Ulrich’s
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CNKI Databases (Journals, Thesis, etc.) – No Downloading (Sept.2021)

Posted on December 15, 2021 @8:47 am by madgett

Latest Update : Another day, another update 🙂

CNKI is now downloading PDFs again. Resource Page here:

CNKI Database

If linking by title or article level, titles using the Qingdao platform  https:chn.oversea.cnki.net  are working better than titles using the California platform  https:global.cnki.net  .

UPDATE – Nov. 15th: Currently, the California server (https://go.openathens.net/redirector/ubc.ca?url=http://global.cnki.net) seems to be working and PDFs can be downloaded, but the Qingdao server (https://go.openathens.net/redirector/ubc.ca?url=http://oversea.cnki.net/) has intermittent errors. Qingdao can still be used for searching & reading online, but no PDF downloads.

The CNKI Databases, covering Chinese journals, theses, dissertations and more, is currently not allowing downloads.

We are working on a solution.

Stay Tuned!

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Oxford Journals – Page Not Found error (Sept.2021)

Posted on September 22, 2021 @11:40 am by madgett


Oxford Journals are currently leading to an

The page you’re looking for cannot be found.

…error. We are working on it. Stay tuned!

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Natural Medicines: Loss of Access (August 2021)

Posted on August 24, 2021 @11:19 am by kmcgrath

We have recently lost access to Natural Medicines.

Update (Aug.24, 2021): Access restored

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eJournal Portal down (“Journal Titles” tab on Library Homepage)

Posted on August 11, 2021 @9:38 am by madgett

Issue now resolved.


The eJournal Portal (the “Journal Titles tab on the Library Homepage) is down.

To find a journal by its title, please go to this page:

…and search for your journal. Should be fixed shortly.


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Audio Cine Films – Format for Links Changed

Posted on June 30, 2021 @3:09 pm by madgett

Looks like Audio Cine Films (a site for streaming movies) has changed some of their links, and some records in our catalogue no longer work.

If you run into this problem, go to our Resource page and, after logging into Audio Cine< search for your movie on their site.

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