UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

OvidSP: Access *UPDATE*

Posted on January 27, 2009 @3:58 pm by irobb

Ovid is now connecting from all machines that it should connect from now. Some hospital branches had problems as well, but word has come in that they are OK now [except for RSVPN issues, see above]. Direct as many positive thoughts as possible towards Ovid’s Texas server.

Certain staff work stations at Woodward cannot access OvidSp databases. We are investigating. Ovid is investigating. There does not seem to be a work-around at the moment. Sorry for the inconvenience. Stay tuned.

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ebrary Interface: *Final UPDATE*

Posted on January 15, 2009 @1:51 pm by irobb

The new ebrary Reader is now working in all our ebrary sites. Please visit: Canadian Publisher’s Collection, Canadian Public Policy or Canadian Health Research Collection from the Online Indexes & Databases page. And coming soon eDuke! (Duke University Press ebooks). Take a preview at eDuke. Enjoy.

ebrary has a new interface… but all our links are down. Do NOT try Canadian Publisher’s Collection, Canadian Public Policy nor Canadian Health Research Collection (nor any ebook in the catalogue that links to ebrary -sigh-) until we have this sorted. Sorry for the inconvenience.

ebrary is upgrading us to their new and improved (and it REALLY is) user interface. When the upgrade is complete, you really should take ebrary for a spin.

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SFX Interuption: January 4th. Very Brief *UPDATE*

Posted on January 14, 2009 @1:32 pm by irobb

SFX is back. All looks OK.

SFX (the eLink button, etc.) will be out for a brief moment tonight around 10:00… no more than 45 minutes or so, we’re told. This is not related to the other outage below.

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eResources Interuptions: January 14th. *UPDATE*

Posted on January 14, 2009 @12:45 pm by irobb

We’re back. All looks OK.

From 6 – 7 pm tonight, certain UBC eResource websites will not be available due to server maintenance. Any URL with http://toby.library.ubc.ca in it may go down. This includes the ejournal A-Z list and our database information pages. The eLink button should not be effected, linking directly from the OPAC (ex. MyiLibrary books) should be ok… in fact, most things should be accessible. Please email us at ej-help if you run into any problems.

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UBC Catalogue & Related Services: Road Work *UPDATE*

Posted on January 7, 2009 @5:04 pm by irobb

UBC Catalogue & Voyager work has been 99% completed (a couple behind-the-scene issues to sort out). All should be working now.

Here is the official word:”Library Catalogue Service Interruptions: Thurs, Jan 8 11:00PM – Mon, Jan 12. UBC Catalogue will undergo major maintenance updates starting on Thurs, Jan 9th at 11:00pm and ending on Mon, Jan 12th. Key services such as My Account, item renewal, ASRS request, DocDel, etc, will be unavailable during this time. We apologize for the inconvenience.”
SFX eLinking, the A-Z eJournal list and databases should not be affected (fingers crossed).

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RSVPN & Some Journals: Server Unavailable Message *UPDATE*

Posted on January 6, 2009 @1:13 pm by irobb


Sadly, this problem seems a little deeper. RSVPN is not connecting into some databases/journals. This is proving tricky to solve. For those that can, please try the VPN connection (see link in message below). For those that can’t (some hospital sites, for example), our apologies. Do let us know at lib-ejhelp@interchange.ubc.ca if you encounter a problem. The more we hear, the better a feel we get for what’s working and what’s not. Stay tuned.

Some off-campus users have run into a problem with the RSVPN. The eLink buttons are leading to a “Server is Temporarily Unavailable” message. We are investigating. If patrons run into this problem, advise them to use the VPN connection set up is here from the Library’s “Connect from Home” page.

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AnthroSource Titles: Links **UPDATE**

Posted on January 6, 2009 @11:00 am by irobb

American Anthropologist and other AnthroSource links are now working in the ejournal A-Z list.

AnthroSource (the site for journals the American Anthropological Association) has re-vamped their entire website. While it looks great, the links to the journals no longer work. You can go directly to the list of journals here, but hopefully our links in the A-Z ejournal list will be working soon. Stay tuned.

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eResources Christmas Schedule: lib-ejhelp / lib-elinkhelp

Posted on December 17, 2008 @1:54 pm by irobb

‘Tis the season for being elsewhere. And in that spirit, eResources is running away. There will be no help on the other end of lib-ejhelp nor lib-elinkhelp from Dec. 20th till Jan. 5th. But to make up for any hurt feelings this may cause, we promise to be extra helpful in the New Year. And we may even roll out a new service or two. Watch this Blog.
Enjoy the holidays!

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SFX: Maintenance & Upgrade

Posted on December 17, 2008 @1:32 pm by irobb

On December 22nd & 23rd, SFX will be unavailable as we perform maintenance, updating and some system upgrading. This means that the yellow UBC eLink button will not work those days, nor will the Citation Linker. The links in the ejournal A-Z list will NOT be affected by this. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

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VPN, RSVPN: But am I really connected?

Posted on December 8, 2008 @12:29 pm by irobb

A patron swears they are connected to VPN or RSVPN at home, but they still can’t access a database. To see if they are really connected, have them go to CMYIP (see my IP). The IP address for VPN should start 142.103…, RSVPN starts 128.189… Different numbers, NOT connected. Advise patrons to clear their browser’s cache & cookies (“Clear Private Data” in FireFox, “Internet Options” in IE), re-start the browser and set up VPN fresh or try RSVPN again.

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