UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Taylor & Francis / Informaworld: Migration Problems

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

*NEW UPDATE* EZproxy is working. All access problems should be solved now.*

Many ejournals formerly on Informaworld are moving to a new Taylor & Francis platform. Unfortunately, there has been a glitch (well, two):

1) Some URLs are not working (this should be fixed after July 6th)

2) Some articles that we should have access to are asking UBC patrons to pay.

We hope to get the second problem sorted soon, but no time line at present. Stay tuned.

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ejournal Portal Changes: “Online Only” Option now Available

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

**UPDATE** Some people are not seeing the changes. Clear the Cache & Cookies from your Browser(s). This should correct the problem.

The ejournal Portal (our ejournal A-Z list) has changed.

Starting Friday, June 2nd, there will be an “Online Only” option. This will return hypertext links leading directly to ejournals.

To search for Print journals and ejournals (not to mention microforms of journals), use the “Print and Online” option. This will search our Catalogue and allow you to see which print issues we have. Records that say  [electronic resource] will also take you to ejournals via the orange “Online Access” button.

So, if looking for journals:

  1. go to the ejournal Portal
  2. select the option you want
  3. enter the journal title
  4. …and Search!
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Problems Using Summon, Citation Linker or ejournal Portal? Send us a PURL

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

You already know that if you run into an access problem with a Library resource, you can use the blue “Access Problems?” button (when available) or just use the eResources Help Form to report the problem.

But to help paint a clearer picture of the problem, you can also cut & paste the URL from your browser when using the ejournal Portal (the ejournal A-Z list), Citation Linker (360 Link) or Summon. Any URL that begins http://gw2jh3xr2c.search.serialssolutions.com or  http://ubc.summon.serialssolutions.com is a Permanent URL (PURL).

By sending a PURL along, we can see the same screen you saw. Neat, huh?

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Internet Explorer 9: Problems with Some Library Resources

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

Microsoft pushing you to upgrading to Internet Explorer 9? Resist!

Several of our Library e-Resources are not working with IE 9 (Web of Science, for example). This is commonly a problem with the latest version of browsers; the publishers/vendors/platforms just don’t upgrade themselves right away.

We do not have a list of resources that will/won’t work with IE9. So, if possible, just hold off for a while. All platforms comply with Microsoft’s changes eventually.

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Engineering Village (Compendex): Site Down

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

**Engineering Village is back**

The Engineering Village site is down.

As this is a long weekend in the U.S., it may take a while to come back. Contact Science & Engineering for alternate resources.

Stay tuned for updates.

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AskAway: Now Embedded in EbscoHOST Databases

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

Looking around in “Academic Search Complete” or some other EbscoHOST database and suddenly need the help of a Librarian? Well, now you can get it.

At the search result level within EbscoHOST databases (or at the article level, if you are browsing a journal), an AskAway box will pop up on the right.

Don’t know what “AskAway” is? Read about it here.

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Wiley Online Library *DOWN*

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

**Wiley Online Library is back online**

Looks like the Wiley Online Library site has crashed. Hopefully, not for long. No ejournal access to Wiley titles at the moment.

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Two Video Databases on Trial: A Mini DOXA Fest?

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

Two video databases on trial from Alexander Street Press… just in time for DOXA!

Filmakers Library Online is a collection of award-winning documentaries from a broad range of research interests – race and gender studies, human rights, globalization and global studies, multiculturalism, international relations, criminal justice, the environment, bioethics, health, political science and current events, psychology, arts, literature, and more.

Education in Video is the first online collection of streaming video developed specifically for training and developing teachers. The collection offers teaching demonstrations, lectures, documentaries, and primary-source footage of students and teachers in actual classrooms.

The Vancouver DOXA Documentary Film Festival ends May 15th, but these trial databases go till the end of May.

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New Resource: Native American Archives

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:35 pm by irobb

[The] Native American Archives collection provides more than 1.8 million pages of original historical documents pertaining to Native American history and life from the 18th through the 20th century. The collection is made possible in collaboration with the National Archives and Allen County Library.” –EBSCOHost

Documents include treaties, census, photos and more.

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Firefox 4: Don’t Upgrade, Yet!

Posted on November 2, 2011 @1:36 pm by irobb

We recommend that you do NOT upgrade to Firefox 4 at this time. We have heard a couple of complaints from patrons (one is that the Refine Your Search options aren’t entirely working in Summon) and heard rumours of other quirks.

You can read the Firefox 4 release notes here. We are investigating fixes on our end as well. Stay tuned!

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