UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

This week in eResources: November 15, 2013

Posted on November 15, 2013 @11:57 am by madgett

newsJust a quick update on what is going on in eResources & Access.

Trials now on:

  • Acta Sanctorum (Chadwyck-Healey) -ends Nov. 15th <click here>
  • African-American Historical Serials Collection (EBSCOhost) -ends April 30th, 2014 <click here>
  • American Antiquarian Society historical periodicals collection (EBSCOhost) -ends April 30th, 2014 <click here>
  • Colloquium Digital Library of Life Sciences (Morgan & Claypool) -ends Nov. 15th <click here>
  • Comprehensive Physiology (Wiley) -ends Nov. 30th <click here>
  • GenderWatch (ProQuest) -ends Nov. 15th <click here>
  • Medcom Streaming Video Collection [medical] -ends Sept. 22nd, 2014 <click here>
  • Medici TV [classical music videos] -ends Nov. 22nd <click here>
  • NewspaperDirect Library PressDisplay (ProQuest) -ends Nov. 29th <click here>
  • Readex U.S. Congressional serial set, 1817-1994 -ends April 30, 2014 <click here>
  • VAST: Academic Video Online (Alexander Street Press) -ends July 31st, 2014 <click here>
  • Caribbean newspapers from the American antiquarian society, 1718-1876 -ends Dec. 31st <click here>
  • Social Explorer [Visually Explore Demographic Data], ends Jan. 13, 2014 <click here>
  • Erudition Database [Chinese literature], ends Dec. 31st <click here>

New Resources:

  • can’t think of any this week

Feature Resources of the Week!

Should have put these forward last week, sorry:

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This week in eResources: November 01, 2013

Posted on November 1, 2013 @4:14 pm by madgett

newsJust a quick update on what is going on in eResources & Access.

Trials now on:

  • Associated Press => AP Images (EBSCOhost) -ends Nov. 8th <click here>
  • Acta Sanctorum (Chadwyck-Healey) -ends Nov. 15th <click here>
  • African-American Historical Serials Collection (EBSCOhost) -ends April 30th, 2014 <click here>
  • American Antiquarian Society historical periodicals collection (EBSCOhost) -ends April 30th, 2013 <click here>
  • Colloquium Digital Library of Life Sciences (Morgan & Claypool) -ends Nov. 15th <click here>
  • Comprehensive Physiology (Wiley) -ends Nov. 30th <click here>
  • GenderWatch (ProQuest) -ends Nov. 15th <click here>
  • Medcom Streaming Video Collection [medical] -ends Sept. 22nd, 2014 <click here>
  • Medici TV [classical music videos] -ends Nov. 22nd <click here>
  • NewspaperDirect Library PressDisplay (ProQuest) -ends Nov. 29th <click here>
  • Nikkei Telecom 21[Japanese media] -end Nov 9th <click here>
  • Readex U.S. Congressional serial set, 1817-1994 -ends April 30, 2014 <click here>
  • VAST: Academic Video Online (Alexander Street Press) -ends July 31st, 2014 <click here>

New Resources:

  • Canadian Social Work [journal] <click here>
  • Slack Journals Collection [various ejournals]
  • First World War: Propaganda and Recruitment (Adam Matthew) <click here>
  • American Indian histories and cultures (Adam Matthew) <click here>

Feature Resource of the Week!

Check out British records on the Atlantic world 1700-1900:

“This series brings together a wealth of collections spanning two centuries of Britain’s colonisation, commercial, missionary and even literary relations with Africa and the Americas. Alongside the records of Liverpool merchants involved in the infamous Triangular Trade, there are those of slave plantation owners, of early Anglican missionaries, of naval and customs officials, and of a group of socialists from Lancashire, who maintained a lengthy correspondence over many years with the father of American poetry.” —British Records on the Atlantic World site



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Changes coming to Campus-Wide Log-in: It Will Affect EZproxy Log-in

Posted on October 10, 2013 @2:58 pm by madgett

newsWe have been notified the UBC IT will be making changes to Campus-Wide Log-in password guidelines. This will affect your ability to log into EZproxy:

  • CWL passwords will now need to be changed once a year. CWL account holders  will be asked to update their password on the date of their last CWL password change.  If CWL account holders have not changed their password since creating their account, they will be asked to update their password on the date the account was created.
  •  CWL account holders will be given three opportunities to take action.  If no further action is taken after three opportunities, account holders will not be able to access applications that require CWL, and instead will be redirected to the CWL myAccount page to change their password.
  •  For more information, please visit our CWL FAQs page.

So, be prepared for these changes. Remember, off-campus patrons must go through EZproxy to access online resources.

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Alexander Street Press Databases Down

Posted on October 1, 2013 @3:53 pm by corinne2

UPDATE => The Alexander Street Press website is up again.

Alexander Street Press is currently experiencing website difficulties, as a result none of their databases are accessible.  They expect access to be restored by 5:30pm Monday September 30th.

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PubMed: Problem with UBC eLink Button

Posted on September 11, 2013 @4:00 pm by madgett


UPDATE => UBC eLink now working on PubMed

In PubMed, the UBC eLink button is having a problem with the format of URLs. We have fixed this (hopefully) but can’t test until September 12th.

In the meanwhile, if you have a PubMed ID number for an article, you can try the following:

  1. Go to “Indexes, Databases & Articles” Library page
  2. On the lower right, tick the “PMID” radio button and add the ID number. Click “Search”

The Citation Linker will display possible links to articles, if we have access.

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Too Many “Citation Online” Results in Summon?

Posted on September 3, 2013 @10:04 am by madgett


The initial problem has been fixed. Articles are appearing as they should when we have full-text access.

However, a second problem has cropped up. Several ebook titles (and some ejournals titles) where removed in error from the Catalogue (and in some cases Summon). As a result, while we still have access to, for example, “SAGE Handbook of Philosophy of Education“, there is no record in the Catalogue.

We are working on a fix.

I don’t know. Maybe it’s me, but it seems that a lot of results in Summon that should be “Full Text Online” for Journal Articles are coming back as “Citation Online“. This requires patrons to click onto the Citation page, then click “Try UBC eLink” then click on to the Article.

I think something’s amiss!

Anyway, investigation underway. In the meanwhile, endure a few extra clicks for now and don’t be mislead by the “Citation” results. Stay Tuned!

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CWL log-in Screen: If you see a request for conformation…

Posted on August 21, 2013 @3:12 pm by madgett

fireworksThe next time you try to log into the EZproxy screen with your CWL, you may see a screen that asks you to agree to new “CWL Terms of Use“. Here is why:

“On June 4, 2013, the Board of Governors repealed Policies #104 (Responsible Use of Information Technology Facilities and Services) and #106 (Access to and Security of Administrative Information) and replaced them with a new Policy #104 (Acceptable Use and Security of UBC Electronic Information and Systems)…”

“…As a result of the new Policy #104, CWL Terms of Use have been updated to reflect amendments to Information Security Standards. Starting Wednesday August 21, 2013, all systems that rely on CWL for authentication will require users to agree to the new CWL Terms of Use before completing the log in process. The Terms of Use must be accepted within three successful logins. If the terms are not accepted within three logins, access to the system will be denied. If you have any questions or concerns, information about this requirement is available online at http://it.ubc.ca/services/accounts-passwords/campus-wide-login-cwl/faq.

So, travelers on the Quest for Knowledge: Fail these log-ins Three, and the Road is closed to thee.

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Knovel Moved to a New Site — but Problems

Posted on August 19, 2013 @3:54 pm by madgett

newsThe engineering/technical ebook site Knovel has moved to a new site. However, there seem to be a couple glitches:

  1. The old links sometimes are not re-directing to the new site. If this happens, going back a screen and trying again or reloading the page seems to help.
  2. The new site does not yet work with EZproxy. Thus, no off-campus access (unless users create their own account, which is not a solution we recommend). They hope to sort this out soon. Please be patient.

NOTE: if you try to create an account, you must use a UBC email address with the domain  @ubc.ca

We are working with Knovel to get everything sorted ASAP.

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Frozen Tabs on the Library Home Page?

Posted on August 15, 2013 @4:33 pm by madgett

broken_partsAs you have noticed, the look of the Library Home page has changed. This is the new University-wide “Common Look & Feel” initiative.

Unfortunately, it seems that the tabs on the Home age freeze up for first-time visitors. We have found that clearing the cache & cookies from the browser and re-loading the page fixes this.

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RefWorks: Changes to Some Log-in Names

Posted on July 30, 2013 @11:30 am by madgett

newsYou may have received an email from RefWorks recently explaining why some log-in names have been changed. Here is what we received:

We’re changing the log in process to eliminate the need for users to supply a Group Code during login – a feature many of our users have asked for. This means that every user must have a unique log-in name, such as their email address.

So, what they did was basically change log-in names that were duplicated by other users. How did it work? Well, here is an example RefWorks included in an email:

  • Let’s say you have an account named ellen. However, there are two people at other schools in Canada who also have accounts named ellen. Whichever ellen has been accessed the most recently or most frequently will get to keep the name.
  • The next most recently/frequently used ellen will have the login name changed to the e-mail address associated on the account. (ex. ellen.jones@uofu.ca )
  • Any subsequent accounts named ellen will get prefixed with a unique number identifier. (ex. 1234_ellen )

Make sense? If you are still confused, you can get more information from RefWorks at  refworks.support@scholarsportal.info  or you can get some home-grown help from the UBC Library RefWorks page.


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