UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

eJournal Portal very slow – 12June2017

Posted on June 12, 2017 @3:36 pm by madgett

*UPDATE* Slowness issues resolved. If you have further problems, please contact us using our Help Form:

There have been several reports about the eJournal Portal (“Journal Titles” on the Homepage, “Journals” under Search Collections) being very slow. We have reported this to Ex Libris/ProQuest, and they are working on it.

Stay Tuned!

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Taylor & Francis eBooks – Loss of Access

Posted on June 12, 2017 @12:42 pm by madgett

*This Issue Resolved*

Access to a number of Taylor & Francis ebooks online has been dropped. The links will still take you to the ebooks, but when you try to read one online, the message says:

Sorry, you do not have access to this book. A subscription is required to access the full text content of this book.”

We hope to have this resolved by late Thursday afternoon. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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WenziBase (Erudition) databases – Down

Posted on April 10, 2017 @10:04 am by park

UPDATE: Access has been restored to both databases!

WenziBase databases, 中国方志库 Erudition and Complete Siku (Erudition) 全四庫, are both down.

From WenziBase:

“We suffered an outage due to technical issues beyond our control that caused data loss, and we are trying to restore service as quickly as possible, but unfortunately it will likely take a few days.  We will send another update when we have a better estimate on when the service will be restored.  We apologize for this interruption.”

Stay tuned for updates.

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Oxford Journals: Problems linking for some articles

Posted on March 14, 2017 @10:06 am by park

Articles from some Oxford journals cannot be reached through Summon and the Citation Linker. Our vendor is working on restoring article level linking.


Work around:

If the “Full Text Online” link in Summon leads to the Citation Linker with “Browse Journal”, go back to the Summon results, click on “Preview” and then on the DOI, if present. This may link directly to the article.

Otherwise, when in the Citation Linker, click on “Browse Journal” and search for the article by title on the Oxford journal website.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Please continue to report problems via our Help Form.

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ScienceDirect Journal Articles : Problems with linking

Posted on May 3, 2017 @11:53 am by madgett


ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Journal Article links producing error:

Error Sorry, your request can not be processed due to a system problem. Contact the Help Desk if the problem persists. [SD-009]

This is a known issue that is being worked on by the publisher. However, it may take several days. It seems to be caused by non-alphanumeric characters in either the article title or the journal title (for example a comma or colon or a parenthesis). This is happening from both Summon and the Citation Linker.

Work around:

If you see the above error on ScienceDirect, go back to the Citation Linker page and click the triangle next to the  then click “Browse Journal”. You will then need to browse to the volume/issue/page of the article you want.

Apologies for the inconvenience. Please continue to report problems via our Help Form.

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Taylor & Francis Online down for maintenance

Posted on January 24, 2017 @10:11 am by park

Taylor & Francis Online will be down for maintenance Wednesday, January 25th from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm PST.

From Taylor & Francis:

Dear Customer,

Taylor & Francis Online: database maintenance, Wednesday 25th January

I’m writing to let you know that Taylor & Francis Online will be unavailable from Wednesday 25th January (23:00 GMT) to Thursday 26th January (03:00 GMT). This is due to scheduled database maintenance by our platform partner, Atypon. We anticipate this maintenance will take four hours.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you or your users.


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Christmas Shut-Down 2016 : eResources Online Help

Posted on December 14, 2016 @10:15 am by madgett

newsSeasonally-Appropriate Greetings!

Thanks for all your questions this past year. Your helpful (we hope) eResources staff will be away from December 24th and returning January 3rd.

Do continue to send any questions/problems to our Help Form, and we will get to them ASAP in the new year.


See you in 2017!

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Summon & Citation Linker : Downtime Longer than Expected

Posted on October 31, 2016 @9:05 am by madgett

constructionApologies for the longer than expected downtime of Summon,  the Citation Linker (UBC eLink) and the eJournal Portal over the weekend of October 29th & 30th.

These systems are maintained by a 3rd-party provider (ProQuest) on servers located off campus (meaning, in “the Cloud”). Initially, they expected the downtime to be two brief windows on Saturday. However, as several folks have noticed, the downtime extended into Sunday.

Per an email notice from ProQuest:

We would like to apologize and inform you that our maintenance work is taking longer than expected. We understand and regret the impact that this has on you and your library’s users.

We believe everything is working now. If you experienced an error message over the past weekend with searching or linking from the Library website, please clear the history (cache & cookies) from your browser and re-try.

If problems persist, contact us via our Help Form.

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Voyager System – Catalogue, etc. Down

Posted on October 31, 2016 @8:53 am by madgett


System back Online

Voyager, the system behind the UBC Library Catalogue is down. This will also affect those trying to log into EZproxy with a Barcode & PIN. Use your Campus-wide Login (CWL) if you can.


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Summon : Experiencing Intermittent Problems (Application Error)

Posted on October 24, 2016 @8:51 am by madgett


RESOLVED AGAIN! -Summon seems back to normal

October 20, 2016 – Problem Returns.

Yes, sadly the fix fell apart. Stay tuned.

UPDATE – Problem is reportedly fixed. Please contact us via the Help Form if you are still experiencing issues.

Summon (our “General” search and Discovery Tool) is experiencing problems. Some searches return the following error:


Application Error

There were too many requests received from your client. This request will be ignored.

We are working on the problem. Try clearing the history (cache & cookies) from your browser and re-searching as this sometimes works.

Stay tuned!


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