UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

MedicinesComplete – loss of access

Posted on October 25, 2017 @12:02 pm by park

UPDATE #2 : Access to Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference has been temporarily restored on a new site. Access on & off campus (via EZproxy).

UPDATE: Access to AHFS Drug Information has been temporarily restored on a new siteHowever, access is on campus, Library branch or via UBCSecure only.

UBC Library has lost access to AHFS Drug Information, Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference and Stockley’s Drug Interactions on MedicinesComplete. We are working on it.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Catalogue will be down Saturday Night (for 2 hours)

Posted on September 29, 2017 @10:11 am by madgett

Just a heads up…

Due to systems maintenance, the public facing Library Catalogue will be unavailable for 2 hours (10:00 pm – midnight) on Saturday, September 30th. UBC IT notice here.

Our Summon Discovery Service will be not be disrupted. So, you will be able to search for online resources.

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Cambridge eBooks Linking to Wrong Title

Posted on September 26, 2017 @2:04 pm by madgett

Sorry to report that a number of Cambridge eBooks are linking to the wrong title.

A fix is in the works.

If this happens to you, go to the Cambridge Core eBooks site and do a search from there.

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Off-Campus Access to JAMA (Journal of American Medical Association) Titles Down

Posted on September 26, 2017 @1:53 pm by madgett


Currently, access to JAMA titles via EZproxy is down. This means access from off campus is not working. We are working on it.

Access on campus is working.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Changes to Summon : AskAway added and Newspaper Articles enhanced

Posted on September 14, 2017 @9:44 am by madgett

The Library’s Summon Working Group has implemented two immediate changes to the UBC Library’s current instance of Summon. These changes took effect on Wednesday, September 13, 2017:

  • AskAway (chat with Library staff) has now been added to Summon. It can be found under the “chat bubbles” icon on the upper right of the Basic (keyword) search and Advanced search pages. When the AskAway service is closed, there is an “Ask Us” option in the Qwidget which leads to other contact methods
  • The setting that previously automatically removed Newspaper Article results from Summon has been removed. Previously, this was needed to control the large number of newspaper article results that could populate a Summon search result list. Now, Newspaper articles are “lumped” together in a “Newspaper Rollup” feature that will appear partway down the results list (location varies due to weighting of results). For example, looking at this search result:  http://ubc.summon.serialssolutions.com/search?spellcheck=true&s.q=apples#!/search?ho=t&l=en&q=apples you can see the Newspaper Rollup under result #9. Clicking on  “News results for “apples””    brings up all the news results (note: some are described as “Journal Articles”, but their genre is “News”).

We welcome all comments and feedback about our Summon discovery service: the good, the bad and the ugly! You can do this by clicking on the User Feedback (upper right of the Summon results page).


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Slowness in the eJournal Portal (“Journal Titles” tab)

Posted on September 8, 2017 @10:51 am by madgett

There continues to be intermittent issues with the eJournal Portal (the tab that says “Journal Titles” on the Library Homepage).

Per the third-party that hosts this service:

“Thanks for the reports of slowness related to the E-journal Portal.  We are aware of the issue… this issue is happening intermittently and is not impacting all customers which has made it difficult to diagnose and definitively address.  For those impacted, we understand this is frustrating and apologize for the inconvenience this is causing you and your users.  We also understand the timing is not great as many of you are starting new school years.”

“[W]e have a series of fixes going out in the next 1-5 weeks that we believe will significantly reduce the instances of slowness (if not fix this issue altogether).”

As a temporary work-around, you can search for a journal title in the Catalogue from here.

…selecting “Journal title begins with” from the dropdown menu, BUT this will only search for journals (electronic and Print) that have a record in the Catalogue.

As always, report any problems – and direct Patrons to do the same – with online resources via our Help Form.


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eResources & Access Closed September 1st, 2017

Posted on August 29, 2017 @1:23 pm by madgett


Due to conflicts in staff scheduling, the eResources & Access Team will all be away on Friday, September 1st.

Please do report any problems or access issues via our Help Form, and we will get to them on September 5th (after Labour Day).

Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Criterion-on-Demand down for maintenance

Posted on July 28, 2017 @10:20 am by park

Criterion-on-Demand will be down for scheduled maintenance and upgrades from 10:00 pm PDT Friday, July 28th to 7:00 am PDT Monday, July 31st.

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Wiley eBooks & eJournals Down (July 19, 2017)

Posted on July 20, 2017 @1:57 pm by madgett

UPDATE ; Wiley Online is back online.

Wiley Online Library (eBooks & eJournals) seems to be down.

Working on it.

Stay tuned.

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ProQuest Databases : Sites Display Incorrectly

Posted on July 18, 2017 @10:52 am by madgett

UPDATE: Site seems to be displaying as normal now.

FYI (for those that want to know) ProQuest has upgraded from “http://” formating for their URLs to “https://”. UBC Library Resource pages are in the process of being updated.

Databases on the ProQuest platform are displaying incorrectly. Basically, the landing pages are garbled.

A sample of problematic resources includes: Canadian Newsstream, ABI/INFORM Collection, ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global and several others. ProQuest eBook Central is not affected.

We have submitted a ticket. Stay tuned for updates.

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