UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

China Academic Journals (CNKI) – Problems with California Server

Posted on March 4, 2020 @11:05 am by madgett

Issue Resolved

Many of the China Academic Journals (CNKI) are showing a log-in window when trying to download the PDF (a red button with IP appears). This is a problem with their California server.

To get around this, try searching for the journal on their Qingdao server.

We are working on resolving this issue.

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ScienceDirect – Elsevier – Off-Campus Access Blocked Feb.07, 2020

Posted on February 9, 2020 @7:27 pm by kmcgrath

UPDATE: Off-Campus Access has been restored as of Sunday, Feb.9, 7:00PM (PST) .
Please clear your cache and cookies.
If problems persist, contact us via our Help Form.

ScienceDirect => Off-Campus Access Blocked

EZproxy (off-campus access, where you log in with your CWL) has been blocked by ScienceDirect. We are working to get the block lifted for the weekend.  Stay Tuned!

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INFORMS Journals – No Access to Full Text (09Jan2020)

Posted on January 14, 2020 @8:17 am by madgett

UPDATE: Access Restored

Access to INFORMS Journals has been lost.

No Full Text or PDF downloading.

We are working on a fix. Stay Tuned!

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EZproxy Interruption November 21 : Off-Campus log-in

Posted on November 20, 2019 @9:24 am by madgett

Possible Off-Campus Access Interruptions November 21st


On November 21st, around 10:00 p.m. PST, the Off-Campus EZproxy Authentication system will be offline for about 10-15 minutes. This means Users authenticating from off campus to Library resources may lose access unexpectedly for a short period.

If you can’t log in to a resource or suddenly lose access to a resource, please try again after a few minutes.

If problems persist, contact us via our Help Form, and we will investigate.

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CWL Testing Saturday November 9th – Possible Library Access Interruptions

Posted on November 6, 2019 @3:27 pm by madgett

Possible Off-Campus Access Interruptions Saturday

On Saturday, November 9th, from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., the CWL Authentication system will be undergoing testing. This mean Users authenticating from off campus may lose access unexpectedly for short periods.
If you can’t log in to a resource or suddenly lose access to a resource, please try again after a few minutes.

If problems persist, contact us via our Help Form, and we will investigate on Monday.

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Changes to EBSCOhost Database Search Results : Apply equivalent subjects

Posted on October 31, 2019 @2:37 pm by madgett

UPDATE: Apply equivalent subjects” option has been set to default “off” . If you want to use this as part of a Advanced Search, tick the box when setting up the parameters of a search.


As of mid-August, 2019, there has been a change to EBSCOhost search results in databases. They have added “Apply equivalent subjects” to the Search Expanders (under Advanced Search) and set the default to “on” (box ticked).

What this means is that in EBSCOhost databases, if a search term or phrase matches to an equivalent concept within its subjects, that concept will be included in the search as well. For example, in ERIC a search for the phrase “conflict management” also automatically includes the phrase “conflict resolution” – unless the box for “Apply equivalent subjects” is un-ticked first.

However, the “subjects” are not consistent between databases. For example, the above “conflict management” search produces the same results in CINAHL with or without “Apply equivalent subjects” activated. It does not add “conflict resolution“. But a search in CINAHL for “medical device” does bring up different results depending if the “Apply equivalent subjects” box is ticked or not as it will add the subject “Equipment and Supplies” (ERIC returns the same number of results for “medical device” either way).

To add a further wrinkle, some databases will look for plurals & possessives of search terms -even when in a phrase- while others won’t. ERIC does this, CINAHL does not… and this can get very confusing if you start to nest truncation in searches or move between databases expecting that they all act the same way.

Look for the listing of subject headings or Thesaurus in your preferred database (if available) to see what it includes and read the following articles for more info:

Upcoming change to your EBSCOhost search results

Why do truncation (*) searches sometimes return fewer results?

How is relevance ranking determined in EBSCOhost?

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Summon Down : July 11, 2019

Posted on July 11, 2019 @10:37 am by madgett

UPDATE – Summon back up (10:35 a.m.)

Summon down this morning

All Summon searches lead to an error “APPLICATION ERROR”  Your search has failed to complete. Please try again.

Other institutions are experiencing the same problem, and it is being worked on.

Stay tuned for updates!

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ScienceDirect (Elsevier) Journals – PDFs not downloading

Posted on June 21, 2019 @8:47 am by madgett

UPDATE : PDFs now working

PDFs of articles are not downloading for a number of ScienceDirect ejournals.

An error message saying “Something went wrong” appears.

We have reported the problem. Stay tuned!

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SUMMON, UBC Library Discovery Down (June 5th)

Posted on June 5, 2019 @1:27 pm by madgett

Update – Summon is back up

Contact us if further problems : https://about.library.ubc.ca/contact-us/ejournal-help/

Summon, UBC Library’s discovery service, is currently down.


We are working on it.

Stay tuned!

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Kluwer Law Resources Down

Posted on May 13, 2019 @11:40 pm by madgett

Update: Access restored May 13th 8:30am PST
The vendor is continuing to monitor and address any remaining user experience issues in the coming days.   We will report further updates as they are released.

A variety of Kluwer Law resources (Kluwer Law journals, Kluwer Arbitration International, Kluwer Law International, various Tax Libraries, CCH, etc.) are down.  The Provider is working on a solution, but has no timeline for a fix.   Problem seems to be a malware attack on their platform. Some info here

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