UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Off-Campus Access to Resources: EZproxy and myVPN Changes

Posted on January 16, 2013 @10:13 am by madgett

Due to security concerns and in order to be in full compliance with our license agreements, the UBC Library is now requiring off-campus patrons to use EZproxy for authentication & access to online resources. You can read the official statement here.

But I wanted to add a word of clarity about myVPN for staff and faculty. myVPN still exists (it is managed by UBC IT). It will no longer be usable for directly accessing online resources (as we will no longer send the IPs for myVPN to our resource Providers); however, if you have a workstation on campus you can still use myVPN to remote desktop your workstation from home and access online resources then from your workstation.

Hope that clears up any confusion.

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eResources & Access: Open for Business… with a New Player!

Posted on January 16, 2013 @9:47 am by madgett

Happy (belated) New Year!

We are back in business and ready for your online resource related questions, problems and comments. As always, you can contact us via our Help Form. You can also follow us on Twitter, if you like.

And please join Irene and I in welcoming Corinne Shortridge to the eResources troubleshooting team.

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Christmas Closure for EResources & Access

Posted on December 18, 2012 @2:36 pm by madgett

Closed for ChristmasEResources & Access, including “ej-help” and the License folks, will be closed after Friday, December 21st and re-opening Wednesday, January 2nd. Any questions and emails that arrive after this Friday will be reviewed when we re-open.

Thanks for sending us your problems in 2012. Seriously, helping you is why we are here!

Have a great Christmas. See you in the New Year.

…and remember to check UBC IT Bulletins for general, campus-wide problems.

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Education Research Complete: EBSCOhost Site Unavailable

Posted on November 30, 2012 @11:23 am by madgett


We have lost access to the EBSCOhost database “Education Research Complete.”

…but we are working on it! Stay tuned.

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Emerald Site Down

Posted on November 30, 2012 @11:24 am by madgett


The Emerald sites seem to be down. This means that some others that re-route there (for example some ALPSP Learned Journals Collection titles) are also experiencing problems.

We will watch and update when they are back on line.

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SpringerLink Move to New Platform: Personal Accounts Won’t Migrate

Posted on November 14, 2012 @9:42 am by madgett

An update on the Springer migration to the new SpringerLink site. The change over will take place on Nevember 26th. And, unfortunately, any personal “My SpringerLink” accounts on the old platform will not migrate. You will need to create an account on the new site. Per Springer:

“Do our current SpringerLink users have to create new personal accounts on link.springer.com to make use of all personalization features, or will these personal usernames and passwords be migrated from SpringerLink?”

“Answer: Unfortunately, these personal accounts and usernames and passwords cannot be transferred and new personal accounts will need to be created to take advantage of personalization features.”

After November 26th, “You will need to go to link.springer.com and set up a new profile/account. Make sure to do this while within the institution’s IP range as you will then be automatically associated to the institution’s access rights.”

The new Springer site may offer to let you set up an ID & password for remote access. Don’t bother. All our remote access is via EZproxy, not individual IDs.

You can read about the new Springer site here.

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Summon’s “Citation Online” Results: Wrong Journal Error

Posted on October 31, 2012 @2:56 pm by madgett

For search results in Summon (the primary search box from the Library Homepage) that point to “Journal Article : Citation Online“, all results currently point to the journal “Transactions of the ASABE”. This is a coding error that Summon is working to fix.

Sorry for the inconvenience this is causing; but take note: Journal Article : Full Text Online results are not affected… and you want the full-text stuff anyways, right?

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Linking to Journal Articles: Supplements & Special Issues

Posted on October 30, 2012 @10:57 am by madgett

Generally speaking, when presented with options for linking to an article, clicking  works pretty well.

However, there are a couple cases where –more often than not– this direct linking fails. Articles that are in “Supplements” or “Special Issues” are a problem as there seems to be no standardized way of citing those articles. Sometimes the citation says “Sup.” or “Suppl.” or just “S.” rather than “V.” for volume. As well, some aggregators (like the EBSCOhost or Gale databases) do not get supplements/special issues from the publishers. It’s not in their agreements. Also, page numbering can take on strange formats, like “S-7” or “23-A”.

A good rule of thumb for these types of articles is, if the “Article” level linking fails, go in at the “Journal” level and then work your way to the right issue & article.

And as always, please report these problems via our Help Form. We pass on these problems and hopefully that will help the software developers work towards a solution.

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ScienceDirect ejournals & eBooks: No Access via EZproxy

Posted on October 30, 2012 @12:56 pm by madgett

*UPDATE*  The Rogue Account has been blocked. Access via EZproxy is back to normal.

Due to a “security breach in [our] servers via organized hackers from R____a” (no need to name the actual country), ScienceDirect has blocked our EZproxy server IP. For now, please use myVPN to connect to ScienceDirect ejournals & ebooks if you are off campus. On campus, there should be no problem.

Stay tuned for updates.

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ALERT: myVPN and Some Buildings Experiencing Network Problems

Posted on October 19, 2012 @1:37 pm by madgett


Just a heads up, UBC IT is reporting problems with myVPN and the UBC Network in some buildings. Please follow their Bulletins here.

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