UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

Egineering Village: Full-text vs UBC eLink buttons

Posted on October 5, 2009 @3:28 pm by irobb

Engineering VillageAlmost all search results in the popular Engineering Village (Compendex) display two yellow buttons:

the over-promising engineering village full text and our OpenURL resolver elinkicon Please choose our OpenURL resolver. The other button tries (via DOI) to go to a SPECIFIC full-text source. We may not subscribe to that source. Our resolver tries to find a full-text source we DO subscribe to. Hope this clears up the yellow-button confusion.

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Transportation Research Board: Several broken links to publications

Posted on October 1, 2009 @10:33 am by irobb

TRG_logoDue to changes in their website, several links to the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies publications are now broken. We are working to repair them. In the meanwhile, go to the TRB Publications by Series site to search for your favourite publication by, um, series title. Stay tuned.

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Nature Journals online: Black October?

Posted on September 25, 2009 @2:00 pm by irobb

*UPDATE* October issues viewable.

Something is up with the October issues for several Nature journal titles. We have a call in to our rep to investigate. Nature Immunology, Nature Reviews Immunology, Nature reviews Microbiology, Nature neuroscience… to name a few problem titles. We’ll try to get it sorted soon. Stay tuned.

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Gale’s Business & Company Resource Center: Printing from Firefox

Posted on September 22, 2009 @10:46 am by irobb

Users of Firefox have noticed that sometimes the ability to print a full-text article from Gale’s Business & Company Resource Center is not just an icon-click away.

If you click the PRINT icon and find yourself on a screen with no “print” options (no browser toolbar, right clicking on the mouse does diddly) remember you can always use the   Ctrl + p keys to get a print menu. This works for other databases too, just happens this database was an issue for several people.

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MIT CogNet:501 eBooks added to the Catalogue

Posted on September 21, 2009 @11:20 am by irobb

Finding MIT CogNet titles just got easier. Over five hundred (hey, 501 is greater than 500) records for CogNet ebook titles have been added to the UBC Library Catalogue. Take a look at this list of titles.

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PLoS: Now with -Article Level Metrics-

Posted on September 16, 2009 @3:30 pm by irobb

plos-logo“The Public Library of Science (PLoS) is the first publisher to place transparent and comprehensive information about the usage and reach of published articles onto the articles themselves … We call these measures for evaluating articles ‘Article-Level Metrics‘…” –PLoS website

Visit PLoS’ recently re-vamped site, read up on what the new Metrics include… and what’s coming soon!

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Nature Archive: Issues back to 1869

Posted on September 15, 2009 @5:16 pm by irobb

“Every boy should be furnished with a small deal board, a lens, and a sharp knife.” –Science-Teaching in Schools, Nature, 1869

You can now peruse every issue of Nature from 1869 to the present. Read what was being written about Darwin. Read what Darwin wrote about “Rats and Water-Casks.”

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Wireless for Walk-ins?: Yes, but…

Posted on September 11, 2009 @11:14 am by irobb

So, can walk-ins access the internet from their laptops at UBC? Yes, but only if they fall into two groups: people with FatPort accounts or visitors affiliated with institutions that use eduroam.

For more FatPort info, visit UBC IT’s FatPort page.

For more eduroam info and the institutions participating, visit UBC IT’s eduroam page.

For general wireless information (and for how UBC affiliated patrons can set up AutoConnect for ubcsecure wireless), visit UBC IT’s wireless page.

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UBC eLink (SFX): Down at 2:00

Posted on September 4, 2009 @2:14 pm by irobb

*UPDATE* …and we’re back online.
UBC eLink button

Yikes! We’ve lost it for the moment. Stay tuned.

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ProQuest: Some Databases Acting Up

Posted on September 3, 2009 @2:37 pm by irobb

*UPDATE* All fixed, per ProQuest.

“We are currently experiencing system difficulties and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and your users. We have every available resource working on the problem…”

Hmm. Sounds like a peck of trouble down at the ol’ ProQuest place. Everything seemed to be working briefly around 3:30 pm. Stay tuned

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