UBC Library eResources: Service Bulletins

MyiLibrary: Watch for the Locked eBook Warning

Posted on April 3, 2013 @9:59 am by madgett

ebookMyiLibrary has set a limit on how fast you can flip pages in order to protect entire ebooks from being downloaded by machine. If you happen to be flipping through an ebook (and you have to be flipping mighty quickly) and see this message pop up:


…please fill in the captcha and prove you are human. One an ebook is locked, it is locked for everyone for 24 hours… and that’s no fun at all!

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ARTstor: Allowing Images to “Pop-Up” in Summon

Posted on March 13, 2013 @1:47 pm by madgett

fireworksSerials Solutions (the providers of our discovery service, Summon) have partnered with ARTstor to allow images to “pop-up” into search results.

In order to see these images, you need to allow your browser to display pop-ups for:

  • *.artstor.net
  • *.artstor.org
  • library.artstor.org.ezproxy.library.ubc.ca

As well, you will have to be on campus or logged into EZproxy to see the images.

After you have configured your browser, look at this Summon search … and then click on an image.

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ENDS Europe: Europe’s environmental news and information service

Posted on March 13, 2013 @1:14 pm by madgett

ENDSENDS Europe is the EU’s leading source on eco-policy, business and markets –ENDS Europe website

ENDS Europe covers the latest European environmental news, analyses, interviews, opinion pieces and updates on EU laws, as well as reports on topical issues. Access ENDS Europe here.

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In Iran: Text and Photos by Adam Jones (ebook)

Posted on March 6, 2013 @11:13 am by madgett

In Iran

In Iran

Here is a preview of In Iran, an ebook that Adam Jones, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Political Science at the University of British Columbia in Kelowna, has made available to the UBC community.

In Iran is protected by copyright, but “All photos linked in the text are published under a Creative Commons 3.0 license.” We are currently working on making this ebook discoverable within our Summon Discovery tool.

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Two Minutes on Whale Barf: Very Cool, Baillie!

Posted on February 25, 2013 @9:43 am by madgett

Sperm WhaleGrad student Baillie Redfern won a competition run by PhD Comics to have her three-minute research presentation (Engineering the Perfect Perfume) transformed into an animated video.” –TREK Online, Feb. 13, 2013

…and the result is very cool. Take five (well, only two and a bit) and watch “Whale Barf and Perfume“.

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Missed the News Yesterday? Try the Internet Archive TV News

Posted on February 21, 2013 @12:38 pm by madgett

TVHow would you like to be able to search a news archive for all the major news networks (and some smaller ones) at once? Now you can. Try out the Internet Archive TV News. Streaming Video (or, it says, you can “borrow” via DVD, but I haven’t explored that) results for keyword searches. It was originally set up for the 2012 U.S. presidential election, but they now describe themselves:

The Internet Archive works to preserve the published works of human kind. Inspired by Vanderbilt University’s Television News Archive project, the Internet Archive collects and preserves television news. Like library collections of books and newspapers, this accessible archive of TV news enables anyone to reference and compare statements from this influential medium.

The collection now contains 350,000 news programs collected over 3 years from national U.S. networks and stations in San Francisco and Washington D.C. The archive is updated with new broadcasts 24 hours after they are aired. Older materials are also being added.” –Internet Archive TV News (21 Feb., 2013)

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Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek – Frei zugängliche E-Journals : re-named “Regensburg OA Collection”

Posted on February 21, 2013 @11:20 am by madgett

bulbWhen looking up an ejournal title in our ejournal Portal (the ejournal A-Z list), you may have seen a result that included a link looking something like:

Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek – Frei zugängliche E-Journals Note: Only select articles are freely accessible.

…and been confused as to what it meant (unless you can read German). To clear up some confusion, the link has been re-named:

Regensburg OA Collection

…as it is a collection of links to “free” ejournals maintained by the Universitätsbibliothek Regensburg (University Library Regensburg). But remember the added note –sometimes not every article is “free”.

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Little Cree Books: eBooks in Cree

Posted on February 8, 2013 @6:04 pm by madgett

ebookCame across this…

“The Little Cree Books below are the first in what we hope will become a large collection of online books designed for early Cree readers. Please check out the About the Project section of this website to learn more…” —Little Cree Books

maskosis okîsikâm (Little Bear’s Day)

askiw meskocipayowina (The Seasons)

Note: Creative Commons copyright licensing applies to all of the books, unless otherwise noted.

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Geographies of Globalization : Alternate Link to the eBook

Posted on January 31, 2013 @5:08 pm by madgett

To our patrons having problems accessing “Geographies of Globalization” on MyiLibrary, here is an alternate link [NOTE: this link will be functional as of February 1st]:

Geographies of Globalization

Now, there are a few restrictions on access to this ebook (set by the publisher, not us):

Access controls on this title is protected with DRM, which means:

  • • An online user session of 120 minutes per book
  • • up to 5 concurrent accesses per book for subscriptions, and one concurrent access per book for titles under perpetual ownership (so, please don’t leave the ebook sit on your computer if you are not reading it)
  • • a print allowance of 30 pages per user session
  • • a copy/paste allowance of 1000 words per user session
  • • offline (downloaded) copies valid for 3 days (print/copy/paste disabled). The validity period of downloaded copies may vary from institution to institution.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

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General Dentistry Access Down

Posted on February 5, 2013 @1:22 pm by madgett

*Access has been restored. Check it out here.*

It appears that we have lost access to “General Dentistry“.  We will post an update when we know more.  Apologies for the inconvenience.

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